Saturday, December 28, 2013

So, it's been a minute...

I know, I know. I move all the way to sunny San Diego and get distracted by real life and forget to post on my blog. I'm determined to keep up with it this time, so here are some life updates:

1) B and I have moved in together. We have a pretty nice one bedroom that's really far from work, but it has an amazing ocean view.

2) I've decided not to become a CPA because I don't want to stay in public accounting long. This decision is new, but it made an immediate improvement on my mental state and I feel good about it.

3) I may have a yarn problem.

A major reason for going full-force on the blogging thing is my major goal for 2014: Operation Stashdown. Spurred by my recent decision to cohabitate with my boyfriend and said boyfriend's discovery of jut how large my yarn stash really is, I have decided to only knit from stash for the next year. I took a picture of my stash about 6 weeks ago when it looked like this:

Since then, I have knitted the 2 skeins of Wollmeise DK in Vamp into this lovely Chuck (pattern by Andi Satterlund of Untangling Knots):

 I love love love the pattern, although I made a mistake at the beginning of the center motif--it should have an extra twist. I lengthened the body by 1 repeat and am not really loving the length, so I'm planning to rip back and add a fourth diamond as well as make the sleeves full-length. As it is, this sweater used 700 yards of Wollmeise DK. I have over 300 yards left from my 2nd skein (love those oversized skeins), so I should have plenty to work with.

My current project is a Clapotis from the 3 skeins of Knit Picks Imagination Hand Painted Sock Yarn in Looking Glass. It's about 40% done and really much to look at at the moment:

Finally, I gave in and purchased some yarn from Knit Picks right before New Year's with a gift card my dad gave me for Christmas. I'm only knitting from stash for the next year and I didn't have any sweater quantities in the stash, so that's my excuse...for buying 2 sweater quantities. And 2 skeins of Felici. But seriously, no more! To keep me on the straight and narrow, my 2014 goals are as follows:

1) Find patterns for all stash yarns (Finished!)
2) Knit at least 12 queue projects.
3) Start building up stash of gifts through #2.
4) Start working on hexipuffs again for my Beekeeper’s Quilt. I have 100+ little balls of fingering weight rolling about in my stash for this project.
5) Knit at least as much as I did in 2013 (let’s call it 7,500 yards).
Let's see what happens.

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